Why choose us?

We work hard to get you the money that is rightfully yours. We listen to your concerns and current issues before advising on the right service for your needs. Then we deliver the best solution to quickly and efficiently resolve your late payment and debt collection problems.

We are a well established, highly experienced company and a long term supplier to many high street names.

We are committed to delivering a quality, cost effective service to all our clients, through ongoing investment in staff and technology.

We listen to our clients needs to ensure that we deliver a professional, bespoke service.

We always endeavour to preserve the relationship between our client and the customer to achieve fair outcomes for both parties.

We will NOT rely solely on a stream of red letters. Our focus is on establishing productive communication with your debtor, usually by phone to resolve the matter.

Our agents have a number of tracing systems at their disposal. We are able to track down the majority of gone-away debtors without the additional cost of using a 3rd party.

We will only suggest legal action where we believe this is in the best interest of our client, i.e. if the action is likely to give you positive cash outcome.

We are able to involve our solicitor* in discussions with the debtor prior to legal proceedings. This can resolve complex disputes or persuade the debtor to pay without the need for litigation.

Our strategy is based on long-term relationships with clients. Customer satisfaction is important to us as is providing added value to our client.

Mixi Debt Recovery operates with low overheads allowing us to provide better value to our clients. Where other collection agencies will do no more than send letters we are able to hold discussions with the debtor, negotiating and threatening the most appropriate legal action to get you paid quickly.

Like any business, debt collection companies and law firms exist to make profit. Most debt recovery firms and law firms work in such a way that they must make a profit from each and every case referred to them, whether or not their work gives their client a positive result. For example if a debt collection firm fails to collect your debt they may still receive a referral fee from passing it to an associated law firm. The objective of the traditional law firm is to win the case, i.e. to get a judgement or bankruptcy. They rarely consider whether the amount that can be recovered from the debtor is likely to outweigh the considerable fees to their client.

At Mixi Debt Recovery we have adopted a different approach to business. We recognise the considerable cost of acquiring a new customer, so our focus is on developing a long term partnership with each of our clients. We recognise that not every case you refer to us will be profitable, we will give you honest feedback on the chances of recovery, and more importantly, whether it can be achieved with a positive cash outcome. Our unique structure means that we can also give you feedback that will allow you to improve your business process and t’s and c’s to improve your chances of recovery on future debts, and to allow you to pass all the costs of recovery on to the debtor.

Our experts can help you

Risk Free Debt Recovery

We are the most cost effective debt collectors, better than a no win no fee debt collector, there is no fee when we win.

Transparent Charges

In over 80% of the instructions we receive we are successful in recovering payment of your unpaid invoices, you will receive 100% of the invoice sums.

No Win, No Fee

Put simply, if we are unsuccesful, we not charge you for our efforts in trying. It means you can use our services 'risk free'.

Friendly, Supportive Staff

We communicate with customer using terminology they are familiar with, making the process more efficient, comfortable and professional for all parties involved.

Complete Recovery Solutions

The key to successfully resolving debt issues is to listen and effectively execute solutions based on each client’s requirements and each debtor’s circumstances.

Fully Regulated and Accredited

We are a UK based company. Unlike many debt recovery companies we pride ourselves on a bespoke approach when dealing with your debts.

contact us

Reach out to us & we will help you

18 Cottesmore Gardens, London, W8 5PR

p: 02031372828
e: [email protected]

Give us a call anytime, we endeavor to answer all enquiries within 24 hours on business days.

We are open from Monday - Friday: 9:00 am TO 5:00 pm.