Privacy Policy


Our website uses cookies – these are small text files that are placed on your device to help the website provide a better user experience. In general, cookies are used to retain user preferences and provide anonymised tracking data to third party applications like Google Analytics. As a rule, cookies will make your browsing experience better. However, you may prefer to disable cookies on our website and on others. The most effective way to do this is to disable cookies in your browser. We suggest you refer to the Help section of your browser.

Our website sets “first party” cookies through its use of Google Analytics. We use Google Analytics to provide us with non-personal site analytics, which in turn help us to improve the website. Google Analytics tracking uses cookies in order to provide meaningful reports about web site visitors’, but they do not collect personal data about you. Google Analytics sets or updates cookies only to collect data required for the reports. Additionally, Google Analytics only uses first-party cookies.

Locating Trackers

The services contained in this section enable the Owner to monitor and analyze web traffic and can be used to keep track of User behavior.
Users can find information about how to manage Cookies in the most commonly used browsers:
- Google Chrome
- Mozilla Firefox
- Apple Safari
- Microsoft Internet Explorer
- Microsoft Edge
- Opera

Users may also manage certain categories of Trackers used on mobile apps by opting out through relevant device settings, such as the device advertising settings for mobile devices, or tracking settings in general (Users may open the device settings, view and look for the relevant setting).

Additionally, whenever the use of Trackers is based on consent, Users can provide or withdraw such consent by setting their preferences within the cookie notice or by updating such preferences accordingly via the relevant consent-preferences widget, if available.

It is also possible, via relevant browser or device features, to delete previously stored Trackers, including those used to remember the User’s initial consent.
Other Trackers in the browser’s local memory may be cleared by deleting the browsing history.
With regard to any third-party Trackers, Users can manage their preferences and withdraw their consent via the related opt-out link (where provided), by using the means indicated in the third party's privacy policy, or by contacting the third party.

About Google Analytics

You can find out more about google analytics here:

Storage, processing and retention of your information

Information we hold may be stored on computer or written project notes in a typical secure office environment. We retain your information for as long as reasonably necessary to provide our products and services to you, and to maintain records to satisfy tax and other legal requirements.

Sharing your personal information

Your personal information will be used by Mixi Debt Recovery solely for the purpose of directly servicing your needs. Very occasionally we may need to share some of your information in order to complete our service obligations to you - for example, we may need to share your contact details in order that a third party can deliver a product to you. Apart from where necessary to fulfill our service obligations to you, or where necessary to satisfy tax and other legal requirements, your information will never be shared or sold for commercial gain.

Your rights with respect to the information we hold

You are entitled to access the personal information that we hold about you. If any information we hold is inaccurate you can ask us to correct it. You can also ask us to delete your information - we will do this unless it prevents us fulfilling our service obligations to you or meeting any tax, legal or regulatory obligations.

Communication preferences

Mixi Debt Recovery may contact you by telephone, post or email in order to provide you with a full and professional service. This could be to directly service your individual needs, or for more general communications that we think might be of benefit to you. We do not operate any form of mass postal, telephone or email marketing. You can ask that we do not send you communications using any of the contact details we hold on our records.

Use of web site - General

Mixi Debt Recovery act in a professional and appropriate manner at all times. We have taken great care in the design, content and presentation of this web site in order to give you an accurate and fair reflection of our services. If you are in any doubt about whether our services are appropriate for your needs please contact us. Site content is not to be reproduced without our prior permission.

Use of web site - Contact form

Company name; email address; first name; last name; phone number.
If you use the contact form to contact us, the information you enter into the form is sent to us as a standard non-encrypted email. We receive and store that information on an office computer. We will use that information to respond to your request.

Sharing information

We may sometimes contract with third parties to supply services to you on our behalf. These may include payment processing, correspondence management and mailing, tracing agents. In some cases, the third parties may require access to some or all your data. Where any of your data is required for such a purpose, we will take all reasonable steps to ensure that your data will be handled safely, securely and in accordance with your rights, our obligations and the obligations of the third party under the law.

We may also sometimes contract legal and other professional advisors such as Solicitors or legal representatives or auditors. In some cases, the third parties may require access to some or all your data. Where any of your data is required for such a purpose, we will take all reasonable steps to ensure that your data will be handled safely, securely and in accordance with your rights, our obligations and the obligation of the third party under the law.

In certain circumstances we may be legally required to share certain data held by us, which may include your personal information, for example, where we are involved in legal proceedings, where we are complying with the requirements of legislation, a court order, or a governmental authority. We do not require any further consent from you to share your data in such circumstances and will comply, as required, with any legally binding request that is made of us.

When we investigate a complaint, we may need to share personal information with the organisation you have an outstanding debt with and with other relevant government bodies e.g. the Civil Enforcement Association (CIVEA) or the Information Commissioners Office (ICO).

We will share personal information with our enforcement agents to deliver the liability order or warrant of control.

Credit Reference Agency

We share and obtain personal data from TransUnion Limited which is a UK Based CRA (Credit Reference Agency)
Website: https://www.transunion.co.uk/
TransUnion Privacy Centre: https://www.transunion.co.uk/legal/privacy-centre

Post: TransUnion, One Park Lane, Leeds, West Yorkshire, LS3 1EP
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 0330 024 7574

Any specific references to third-party trackers are to be considered indicative. In order to obtain complete information, users are kindly requested to consult the privacy policies of the respective third-party services listed.
TransUnion Bureau Privacy Notice: https://www.transunion.co.uk/legal/privacy-centre/pc-bureau

Data Retention

We keep your data to enable us to fulfil our contract with the UK local authorities, where required by law or to protect legal rights.
We will look to keep your data to a minimum time in line with data protection and GDPR principles and our processes.
For example, we will keep your personal data for a minimum of 6 years from the date of account closure for legal purposes and will keep financial records for a minimum of 7 years for accounting and tax purposes.
We may keep your data for longer if we cannot delete it for legal, regulatory or technical reasons.

The Owner of this Application may have legitimately collected Personal Data relating to Users without their knowledge by reusing or sourcing them from third parties on the grounds mentioned in the section specifying the legal basis of processing.
Where the Owner has collected Personal Data in such a manner, Users may find specific information regarding the source within the relevant sections of this document or by contacting the Owner.

Owner and Data Controller


Registered in England And Wales.
Company Registration No. 13238992.
Data Protection Registration No. ZB009230.

18 Cottesmore Gardens, London, W8 5PR
[email protected]
[email protected]

Should you have any queries relating to this privacy notice, please contact us [email protected]
Or the Data Protection Officer (DPO) via email: [email protected]

Changes to this notice

Update, change or add to this privacy notice in the future so please ensure you check back from time to time so that you remain happy with the changes and the way in which we process your personal data.


Our experts can help you

Risk Free Debt Recovery

We are the most cost effective debt collectors, better than a no win no fee debt collector, there is no fee when we win.

Transparent Charges

In over 80% of the instructions we receive we are successful in recovering payment of your unpaid invoices, you will receive 100% of the invoice sums.

No Win, No Fee

Put simply, if we are unsuccesful, we not charge you for our efforts in trying. It means you can use our services 'risk free'.

Friendly, Supportive Staff

We communicate with customer using terminology they are familiar with, making the process more efficient, comfortable and professional for all parties involved.

Complete Recovery Solutions

The key to successfully resolving debt issues is to listen and effectively execute solutions based on each client’s requirements and each debtor’s circumstances.

Fully Regulated and Accredited

We are a UK based company. Unlike many debt recovery companies we pride ourselves on a bespoke approach when dealing with your debts.

contact us

Reach out to us & we will help you

18 Cottesmore Gardens, London, W8 5PR

p: 02031372828
e: [email protected]

Give us a call anytime, we endeavor to answer all enquiries within 24 hours on business days.

We are open from Monday - Friday: 9:00 am TO 5:00 pm.